PREMIRE – ID_UA – DVRZ (Night Noise)


Pulsating lights are blurring my vision as I’m trying to find my way to the bar. They’re confusing me nicely, hypnotically in sync with the music, and I just keep thinking if I’m ever gonna be able to get out of here. What was that again I needed to be doing tomorrow? Birthday? Mother in law? Who the hell does she think she is anyway? Screw her. Screw it. In fact, screw it ALL. I’m staying.

Night Noise continues its rapid start to 2018 with a release and debut from Ukrainian artist Igor Dyeyev also known as ID_UA .

This EP which fuses together the multiple styles that inspire ID_UA Techno, Indie Dance and Electronica. The EP is also a homage to a district in his home town of Kiev know as DVRZ.

Release Date – 29/01/18