Sinchi & Friends 96 – Longhair

Up comes Berlin’s Longhair for Sinchi & Friends 96. The duo consisting of two wildly unique individuals, with lusciously flowing locks, Bene and Marko.  Residents of much loved Renate, at their core lies the raw, untameable energy of the 90’s; lapped up first hand. These sentiments are then tempered with a myriad of musical knowledge and appreciation, that  pieces together vibrations from disco and balearic, to trance and electro; but it doesn’t stop there.  You’ll be hearing much more from them this year with a stream of high quality releases on acclaimed labels, some of which they reveal below. In the meantime, check out this beauty of a mix exploring some of the music they love away from the dance-floor.  Oh and don’t forget to check out their latest release on Claptrap from just over a month ago, which you can hear here.  

1) Introduce yourself?

 Hi. We are Marko & Bene, also known as Longhair. 

2) What have been your highlights from the last 12 months? 

 Well, we have worked in the studio a lot last year and been signed to quite a few great labels.So happy that the hard work payed off. Hopefully we will get to play more again after the lockdown.

 3) What do you have lined up for the coming year? 

 There are quite a few releases this year. Coming up next is an EP for Paramida’s Love On The Rocks Label and one for Permanent Vacation in late summer, plus a few remixes in between. Plus even more to come, but it’s maybe a bit early to talk about those yet. 

4) Do you have a favourite track in the podcast?

 It’s a mix full of favourites that piled up over the years, so it’s hard to pinpoint one. Let’s say the whole mix is the favourite. 

5) Who or what are your biggest musical influences? 

As we both draw inspiration from a very wide range of styles and musicians, sometimes the same ones and some unknown to the other, may it be Afrobeat or Stoner Rock, weird Pop tunes and so on, we think we influence each other the most. 

6) Tell us about 3 DJ’s / Producer’s we may not know but should be looking out for? 

Mattias Ruffing, Bliss Inc, Dust-E-1 

7) What is your favourite Venue or Festival to play at and why? 

Love International, we both played there with our other projects quite a few times already. The vibe and setting at Love International fits Longhair 100%.

 8) Do you have a ritual before you start playing or straight after? 

Not really, maybe 1-8 drinks after.

 9) What is your favourite bit of kit? 

Korg M1, it’s by far the synthesizer we use the most, if not in every track. It has really amazing sounds which set a certain mood we really like. 

10) What is your favourite film score? 

The Big Blue – Eric Sierra, everything by John Carpenter and Vampyros Lesbos OST 

11) What makes you smile?

1-8 Drinks 🙂