Belongs to the Lixin cards
The power is the drive of the spirit, energy and knowledge the fuel. Power that has the capacity to generate and evolve. Power that comes from the remotest areas and moves the spirit beyond all battle and all challenge. Warriors find their answer in the spear and sword, and poets in letters and metaphors. Men from the south of Agharo imagined a being sitting on a golden throne with a hundred voices shouting words of encouragement to the people who lay convalescing. The m a n – k i n g came down from the pulpit and
overshadowing the hubbub said, with the same blending power of dreams, “I come from far away lands and from those countries bring my message. No powerful spirit shall perish. We, the powerful of spirit, the people of power, will not cease, not in peaceful times nor while the horrid storms of the End lay”. Power isn’t held in direct reference to strength; power transcends the physical.