After releasing on labels including Correspondant, Have a Killer Time and Clouded Vision Records, Jo Howard aka Bird of Paradise has decided to launch his own imprint, Sulk Magic, to showcase music from himself and similarly musically aligned artists.
The debut Sulk Magic One see’s five cuts of left field dance music, joined together by nothing other than their disregard for tropes or forms. We were mightily impressed with the full release and enjoyed all the tracks. Obb Globelyn’s ‘ Quarry’ and this beauty ‘Perception’ from the man himself, Bird of Paradise (with KGBK) really stood out, the latter deftly pairing left field techno, with an 80’s sensibility in the vein of Severed Heads. –
Other tracks featured Lithuania’s Roe Deers, Al Gobi (Ian Blevins and Phill Moody as previously seen on Culprit and Disco Bloodbath) and Stove.
The record is available exclusively on Junodownload from the 19/02/2017 and all digit outlets from 05/03/2017.