PREMIERE – Panayotis – Yanapa Desert (Honest Electronics)

Honest Electronics is proud to present the concept musical album ”Hawaiiprus. The lost recordings of ‘Polyhaos’ compiled by Panayotis. The album consists of 10 tracks whose names allure to destinations and landmarks of Hawaiiprus island. This semi-imaginary place takes inspiration from the writings of Bioy Casares, orientalism, contemporary living and community, electronic and live music to form and shape a story about its own creation. The alleged recordings of a mysterious stranger who visited and tried to intergrade in the community. The text reads: ‘This is what we know from the diary of Polyhaos and the music found decades after he either fled or was cast away violently or even murdered.’

The concept lends itself to the music which consists of found and own samples, live instruments, synthesisers and electronics, that form beats and melodies which are sometimes repetitive and approachable and other times flowing and ambient. Each song is a story and the mood is whatever the listener attributes to it.

Poly-culture/platform artist Panayotis works with visual and or acoustical elements to create distinct objects and texts that frequently cross the lines between parody / reality / auteur-ship / art / pop. As a musician he performs using a selection of electronic modular synthesizers, drum machines and haptic instruments, guitars, drums and microphones which metamorphose constantly as his sets are often based on autoschediasm.

Release Date – 20/11/17