Sinchi & Friends 49 – DJ Lui

Sinchi & Friends 49 is DJ Lui  . When we asked Luis about his inspiration for the mix, he told us ‘I’m now turning towards a darker and more electronic sound, with a presence of electro, techno, EBM, IDM, ambient … I also look for more analog and organic sounds, with more textures, even dirtier. But, for this mix, I’ve selected some tunes for this Halloween, with some disco and italo disco stuff. I hope you like it’.


1) Who are you?

Hi, I’m Luis Costa, also known as Dj Lui, resident dj and press manager at Razzmatazz Clubs in Barcelona. I’ve my own party in Barcelona called Dancetería (with Danz mixes series). I’m also a journalist, and I write a book “¡Bacalao!” (Contra, 2016), about Valencia clubbing pioneer scene during 80s and early 90s.

2) What have been your highlights from the last 12 months?

Well, the publication of my first book, and become part of the Brunch-in Barcelona party this past august, alongside Andrew Weatherall, Factory Floor, Octave One and Psychemagik,

3) What do you have lined up for the coming year?

I’m working on my first steps in production with a well-known producer friend and I am preparing the new season of my Dancetería party in Barcelona, in a new club called Bajofondo. I would also like to start working on some new editorial projects.


4) Which track in the mix is your favorite right now?


5) What is your favourite track of the last 12 months?

Ufff, what a question… Don’t know, lots, but if you ask me ….

6) What is the last record you bought?

Giraffi Dog – Giraffi Dog EP

7) Who or what are your biggest musical influences?

Detroit techno, Warp, Portishead, post-punk bands like Joy Division or The Sound, classic bands like The Clash…

8) Do you have a ritual before you start playing or straight after?

I like to be clear about at least the first three songs in the set, and from there I see where I’m going…

9) Who is your favourite DJ? Not including yourself 😉

Ata, Ivan Smagghe, Andrew Weatherall, Helena Hauff, Vladimir Ikvovic, Dj Harvey, Hunee, Dj Zero, Alvaro Cabana, lots…

10) Tell us about 3 DJ’s / Producer’s we may not know but should be looking out for?

Kelly Lee Owens / Punctum / Jaime Romero (Estrato Aurora / Pajaro Dune, Spain)


11) Best advice for anyone coming into the scene, either as a Producer, DJ or Promoter?

Always look for your own style, your own speech, your own voice.

12) Do you think there is inequality or disbalance in dance music, whether it is gender or race? If yes, what do think can be done?

Yes, there is great gender prejudice, promoters and bookers should be responsible for tackling this question.

13) Do you think the gap between the mainstream and the underground is getting closer or further apart? Is this a good or bad thing?

I think they are usually separated, and this is wonderful. When a scene that emerges from the underground becomes too big, it usually ceases to interest me.

14) What’s your opinion on the importance of roots , traditions, respecting originals and sources? Should all music be open source and open to editing or do you think cultural and artistic misappropriation is an issue?

All the respect for the roots and traditions for inspiration, but with regard to art and creation: fuck the rules, fuck the norms, fuck the limits and frontiers!


15) Favourite art besides music? Cinema, literature, painting

16) Favourite writer / scientist / painter / philosopher? John Fante / Tesla / Hopper / Witgenstein

17) Favourite film score? Blade Runner

18) Guilty Pleasure? Nutella

19) One piece of music you can’t stand? Status Quo “In the army now” / Ex aequo with: The Art Company – Susanna

20) Favourite way to unwind? Read a book, watch snooker on tv, have a sex…

21) If to live in a lost civilization or culture, which one would it be? Atlantis

22) Blissful ignorance or harsh reality? The second one

23) What makes you smile? Friends, family, film, book…, and of course, good comedy (Monty Python…)

24) Ultimate aspiration in life? Work on what I like